Hey baby Jags! It's a beautiful Sunday here in the Port City, and I'm #backatitagain with some survival tips. We were asked to write about how to survive on a college budget this week. My first instinct was "you don't." Bur I will give you a few tips that have kept me afloat during my college struggle. 1) Budget wisely. No seriously, I know this may make me sound like a middle-aged soccer mom but BUDGET YOUR MONEY. Make a plan. Write out how much money you have to spend each month. Know the things that are completely necessary (gas, groceries, etc.) and see how much money you have left for entertainment purposes. You may have to have sleep for dinner a few nights to be able to go out with your friends on Thursday. It's all about balance, people. 2) Utilize your student status. Many companies and restaurants give student discounts. Use them to your advantage. You have to struggle through college, you might as well reap the benefits while you're at...