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Showing posts from April, 2017

Laura's Declassified College Budget Survival Guide

Hey baby Jags! It's a beautiful Sunday here in the Port City, and I'm #backatitagain with some survival tips. We were asked to write about how to survive on a college budget this week. My first instinct was "you don't." Bur I will give you a few tips that have kept me afloat during my college struggle.  1) Budget wisely. No seriously, I know this may make me sound like a middle-aged soccer mom but BUDGET YOUR MONEY. Make a plan. Write out how much money you have to spend each month. Know the things that are completely necessary (gas, groceries, etc.) and see how much money you have left for entertainment purposes. You may have to have sleep for dinner a few nights to be able to go out with your friends on Thursday. It's all about balance, people.  2) Utilize your student status. Many companies and restaurants give student discounts. Use them to your advantage. You have to struggle through college, you might as well reap the benefits while you're at...

My Motivation, My Purpose

Hey there baby Jags! We're at the end of another work week and slowly approaching finals and I see many mental breakdowns in my future. No worries though, I won't fold under pressure. College is hard, especially being away from home. The motivation I receive daily from my family is what keeps me going. My parents have motivated me since day one in everything I do. Often times I get overwhelmed, and their reassurance that I am making them proud helps me keep going. I don't know where I would be without them. My mom is my best friend and my dad is my entire world. The example they've set for me has encouraged me to be successful through all of my ventures and pushed me through the hardest times I've faced. I owe them everything.  My brother motivates me just as much as my parents. We often joke that I got the brains in the family and he got the personality, but he is so intelligent and such a good role model for me. It's a blessing to have a brot...

Student Life

Hey there, baby Jags! If I had one word to describe student life here at South, it would be diverse. I know, I know.. cliché. But seriously, there is something for EVERYONE. We have more than 200 student-led clubs with a variety of focuses. Greek life, professional organizations, service organizations, and academic clubs are in abundance on our campus. Even if there is something that you are really passionate about that we don't have a club for already, you can make one! You can't forget about intramurals either. There is at least one intramural season going on all the time, so maybe if you had Division 1 dreams but didn't make the roster you can shine on everyone in the rec or on the football fields. Whatever may interest you, you will find your niche when you get on campus. Just keep an open mind and break out of your comfort zone. Get involved and your college experience will be 10x better. Love & light xx Laura