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Join the Club

Hey baby Jags!

Getting involved on campus is so important to getting fulfillment out of your college experience. Coming from a mid-sized high school where I was extremely involved in almost every club and organization we had to offer, I knew coming to South I wanted to keep that same energy and try to make a difference on campus.

Joining Greek life was one of the easiest and most fulfilling ways I was able to get involved. Being able to participate in other sorority and fraternity philanthropy events, the outside community service you could do with your sisters, and our personal philanthropies allowed me to start giving back to South and the Mobile community as a whole within weeks of moving on to campus. 

I also joined a few honors societies and a Pre-Physical Therapy club in order to meet other students who were dealing with the same curriculum and had the same ultimate goals that I did. We have an abundance of clubs on campus that are waiting for eager freshman to come in and find their niche. If none of the clubs fit your interests, you can make your own! How cool is that? There is truly something for everyone at South Alabama. Put yourself out there and get involved!

Love & light xx

Laura Jag Guide


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