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If You Don't Know, Now You Know

Hey baby Jags!

The JagGuides are coming at you live this week with some behind the scenes scoop on South Alabama. I'll be hitting you with a few fun facts about our university.

1. OOZEBALL. Once a year, students get together to play volleyball in 6 feet of mud. I know it doesn't sound appealing to most, but every year it is LIT. Everyone looks forward to Oozeball coming around. 

2. Our baseball team, which you can catch in action at Stankey Field, has made 25 appearances in the College World Series tournament. Talk about ballers!

3. The youngest student ever to graduate college was Michael Kearney, who graduated from the University of South Alabama at the age of 10. Child prodigy FTW!

4. The Mitchell Center houses some of our classes. The Mitch is where our basketball games and other events take place, but classes are held here in the basement. Imagine being a freshman walking to your first class and having to navigate through the Mitch to find it. Luckily, there are always people outside directing students to the correct classrooms. 

5. We used to have a real jaguar on campus. No, seriously. We take the JagNation thing seriously around here. During the late 1960's, USA housed a live Jaguar on our campus. 

Join the Jag Fam and maybe you'll learn some more fun facts of your own!

Love & light xx

Laura JagGuide


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