Hey baby Jags! The semester is finally over and I made it out alive (barely). As I reflect on this past semester, I noticed that my schedule was full of classes geared towards my major in the medical field. My favorite class this semester was First Aid & CPR. Even though we met at 8 AM Monday mornings, being able to interact and learn life saving skills was very interesting to me. Luckily, I was able to get certified in both First Aid and CPR. We were able to practice on interactive simulators as well as use defibrillators that spoke to us letting us know when we were going through the process correctly. We spoke about both adult and child CPR which made me feel like I would be prepared enough to help people in need if I ever came upon an emergency situation. I know that in my future career being certified in these fields will be very beneficial which had an impact on how much I enjoyed taking this course. Plus, I thought about the CPR scene from The Office the entire ti...